Display Characteristics of Display Cabinets and Props

There are many jewelry display cabinet factories in the market now, and the styles of jewelry counters are becoming more and more diverse. Consumers inevitably encounter the problem of not knowing which one to choose and adding a jewelry display cabinet factory. Fanlu Jewelry Display Cabinet Factory said that choosing a jewelry counter mainly requires mastering the key points and will not choose a very poor jewelry counter. Let’s take a look with Fanlu Jewelry Exhibition Cabinet Factory on how to choose high-quality jewelry counters.

Jewelry display cabinets need to be stable.
There are several types of jewelry counters, some of which are only four feet long. When purchasing this type of jewelry counter, you can gently shake the counter and observe whether the four support points of the counter are balanced and stable. Some have bottom cabinets. When purchasing such products, it is important to observe whether the overall surface is flat, consistent, and uneven.

The surface edges of jewelry display cabinets should be smooth
The jewelry counter is mainly used for jewelry display, so the counter top is made of glass. The tabletop of the jewelry counter should be kept smooth and must be flat. The edges should be ground to avoid scratching the skin during use.

Smooth and tight connection
Some jewelry counters are modular jewelry display cabinets composed of multiple parts. Fanlu Jewelry Display Cabinet Factory produces this type of jewelry counter. When purchasing this type of jewelry counter, not only should stability and smoothness be considered, but also attention should be paid to whether the connections are smooth and tight.
There are various jewelry counters. If you don’t observe carefully when making a purchase, you may actually choose some poorly crafted counters. Fanlu Jewelry Display Cabinet Factory reminds consumers that in addition to their own observations, they also need to consult the specific information of the merchant’s products in detail to ensure the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

Selection of Jewelry Display Props
How to choose display props for jewelry with different designs?
The role of jewelry display props is not only to showcase jewelry, but also to showcase the brand culture and customer positioning of different jewelry through the use of jewelry props, background decorations, or images. Through the coordination of jewelry props, it is possible to showcase the brand culture and customer positioning of different jewelry. Due to the small volume of such goods, the display of jewelry is prone to appear cluttered or unable to highlight the main body during the display process. Therefore, it is crucial to choose the right jewelry props for different jewelry positioning.

Minimalist props – highlighting fashionable jewelry design
For fashionable and youthful jewelry, attention to detail and texture is the most important. In addition to using imported high-end materials to create a sense of delicacy to reflect the luxury of jewelry fashion, minimalism is also an unexpected way. The characteristic of minimalist jewelry display props is to highlight the sense of fashion design or the delicacy of jewelry, emphasizing the creativity of jewelry.

Scene props – creating resonance between jewelry and customers
For jewelry that is positioned as classic and emotional, the ultimate goal of display is to use emotional touch to sell jewelry to customers. Therefore, scenario based jewelry display can not only provide customers with resonance and visual aesthetic enjoyment, but also effectively convey the story and characteristics of jewelry, thereby inducing customer consumption.

Elemental props – creating an ecosystem for branded jewelry
For brand and series jewelry, creating a brand concept and creating a brand emotion that resonates with customers, artistic and innovative aspects are the most important. Add distinctive element combinations to further establish the brand’s vitality.

Elemental props – creating an ecosystem for branded jewelry
For brand and series jewelry, creating a brand concept and creating a brand emotion that resonates with customers, artistic and innovative aspects are the most important. Add distinctive elements to further establish the brand’s ecosystem and deepen brand memory. The resonance between different distinctive elements and jewelry props can create a fashionable and unique atmosphere.

Jewelry display design should be designed from different perspectives and methods, from parts to the whole, to give customers a strong sensory stimulation. The first visual impression of jewelry display is particularly important, whether it is the display or the layout of lighting, it should form a visual highlight, so that customers can strengthen their impression of the product and brand. Different jewelry display design styles can leave different visual experiences. Jewelry display itself is an artistic feast for visual enjoyment.

Post time: Dec-26-2023